Cheesecake of Champions! |
Back to the grind I call Monday Funday. The weekend was great especially because I started my 4-week competition diet and it still contains a "modified cheat meal". How can a cheat meal be modified you ask? Ha well I still follow strict guidelines meaning 3oz salmon, 6 spears asparagus, but I also get 6oz of cheesecake and 6oz loaded baked potato (and no not sweet potato!) Saturday started with round one of cardio followed by an arm session that left me unable to lift my arms the past couple days. I met my family up North and did a Costco run with my dad. Now this wasn't your average J/Dad Costco run (in which he and I jet through Costco for everything in 20 minutes or less). My cart contained 7 bags of Tilapia, 2 bags asparagus, 1 bag green beans, eggs, and new socks. The thing is.... Those 7 bags will probably last me maybe 2 weeks since I eat fish 38 of 47 meals (the rest consisting of protein shakes and one egg meal). Once we finished at Costco, I met with my mom and sister and we had a great time getting our toes done and chit chatting about my sister's upcoming college graduation. Raced from North back home to unload all the Costco stuff and headed into the gym for cardio session #2. Two 45-minutes sessions and a lot of sweat later, I practiced my posing in the group exercise room before meeting my team mate for our 'modified' meal. Let me tell ya something, she has the exact same meal for Saturday night which made for one heck of a time! We ate our salmon and asparagus then jumped in her truck and headed to Cheesecake factory. After grabbing a table in the bar, the Waiter asked if he could bring us something to drink and
I said "water please and I will have a piece of Reece's peanut butter cheesecake"
Team mate "make that two!"
Waiter "Cutting straight to the point huh?" He returned with our cheesecake when my team mate ordered a side of mashed potatoes loaded, I mean LOADED with goodness! It was a sight to be seen that's for sure! Two buff girls stuffing their faces with gooey potatoes and cheesecake. Yep it was RAD. Afterward, I was in a sugar coma and my team mate was bouncing off the walls so we went for a walk around Seattle before heading home. What a fantastic night. Sunday consisted of am cardio, A LOT of food prep and pretty sure my house smelled like a Tilapia factory and I don't know how many candles I will have to go through to get that smell out of my house (but Stella doesn't seem to mind). You know you go to the gym too much when one of the employees asks if you had even left from the first time he saw you that morning. Headed to the gym for cardio session #2, practiced my posing and headed home to get my gear ready for the week. 6 Tupperware containers and and 21 ounces of Tilapia later....Here I am! Happy Monday Y'all.
Ciao for now, J
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