Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Rewind and Catch Up!

It has been waaay too long since I was last on here and oh my goodness, has soo much happened the past few days! The weekend was crazy busy starting Friday after hitting the gym. A team mate came and spent the night with me. Sooo we were kinda bored and she said "Lets go sit at a bar and have a club soda." Ok, no harm in this right? Well she then proceeded to order a chocolate macadamia nut brownie with ice cream....You know what this looks like to a depleted chocolate-loving female?? A-MAZING! I took one bite and told her I would not explain to Pete why I cheated so I stopped myself and let her devour the whole thing.. We left only to have her feeling great and bouncing off the walls while my head was wedged in the couch and passed out during a movie. Next was round one cardio Saturday morning followed by posing practice, shopping for Vancouver, back to get clothes for the evening, round 2 cardio, quickly getting showered and ready for a night out, and head to a modi-cheat meal. This was full of chaos and mind you, between my team mate and I, we probably had one whole brain. I forgot one of my meals somewhere and I have yet to find it, while she forgot her keys at one of the 4 gyms we had been too that day. Saturday night was sooo great and a much needed break. There were a total of 6 of us at the Cheesecake Factory for our meal (3 had full on cheats while 3 had modi) and it was such a great feeling to talk, laugh, poke fun at ourselves since we are all going through some of the same things. The best part was watching peoples reactions to my team mate and I. We had tank tops on, showing off our big shoulders and cut arms and some of the looks were priceless. Next, Sunday was filled with double cardios, dress rehearsal with with Save Fitness Team including full on suits and heels and an audience. My mom and sister came down to watch and support which meant the world to me! Then we did a little shopping and food prep. Needless to say, I barely made it to my last meal before I crashed... I started my last diet and it is tough! I am sore, tired, weak but guess what... I am only 4 days away!!! 4 days until I am on stage in my first ever figure competition!

I can not believe it. I can not believe I am this close. It is such an incredible feeling and needless to say, I am emotional. Things I don't normally cry over, have me choking up to the point I have to spit my 2 gallons of water out sometimes. (Yes 2 whole gallons!!!!) I am so proud of all the women on my team and the incredible journeys they have all embarked on. It is inspiring to watch how their hard work and dedication has shaped and created such muscular, beautiful physiques. Watch this video and if you get the goosebumps I do every time, you will see exactly what I am talking about!

Congratulations to each and every one of my team mates for making this journey, for setting such a high goal, and for making it to Vancouver this weekend! I love you all and wouldn't be where I am with out your love and support. I am blessed to have such amazing sisters in my life!

xoxox,     J

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