Isn't a surprise always considered unexpected? Hmm oh well! Day 2 of getting up and having Tilapia and green beans at 4:30am and....This.Is.Going.To.Be.Hard. I think that this is one of the harder things thus far in my journey for the fact that I am starting to grow gills and fins from all the fish I am eating and pretty sure I will be searching for my long lost sibling Nemo! Yesterday was a tough day and I felt really low on energy and I am not sure if it was just because it was Monday or what my deal was but I made it through my shoulder workout and cardio to treat myself with a massage. I don't know why I only get these once in a blue moon because today I woke up and for the first time in a while, I was not nearly as sore! My body is probably telling to me cool it and start treating it better for all it does for me. Ok... point taken.
So here is where the unexpected surprise part comes in and this gets a little personal but I promised to share this journey and I will keep that promise. My whole life (since I was in middle school) one of my biggest insecurities has been my backside. I have always felt that it is disproportionate to the rest of my body, I feel like I have a huge bubble butt, and I have never liked that I have to buy my jeans a bigger size just to fit it in em. It is an area where I carry my weight, so if I gain weight it goes right to my behind however, if I lose weight, it comes off of every area EXCEPT there. How frustrating I know! When I started training to be a figure competitor, I knew it was going to be a lot of heavy lifting and time spent in the gym but I will tell you the biggest thing that has changed for me...I love (yes I said it) love the fact that I have some booty. I love squats, lunges, and although I whine about it on a weekly basis, I love leg day because it is helping build and sculpt my backside. Over the course of the past few months, I have had numerous conversations with women and even men about the rear area and how difficult of a time some have trying to get a little curvage here. I have it and now I am trying to perfect it, which I find is a tad easier than starting with nothing and trying to build to something. This morning something really funny happened and I had to giggle. I was at Starbucks grabbing a coffee before work (in which I wear my yoga pants) and there were a few gentleman in line (one a Policeman in uniform and the other a gentleman in medical scrubs). I had seen them both walk in and as I was putting a little nonfat in my drip, I caught them out of the corner of my eye looking over my way. I walked through them as they stood in line and watched their reflections in the windows as I headed towards the door. Both gentleman turned and watched me walk out. Not sure if it was the beautiful half-moon they were staring at or what but case in point... You may have an insecurity or something that really bothers you about your body but it can turn out to be one of your best assets (literally!)
Ciao for now, J
oh J- you have a great booty! flaunt it!