Monday, February 14, 2011

Next time... use superglue

Well my idea of keeping my fingers crossed in attempts to not getting sick was unsuccessful. Next time, I will have to superglue my fingers so they stay crossed... Wait, I have already done this once before! Ha, in first grade, two of the neighborhood kids and I were playing outside and we found a tube of something and the next thing I know, I am inside wearing mittens on a snow day because my fingers were super glued together! True story. Yes, I did get hit with whatever is going around and yes it took me down for the count. I ended up with a 102.8 temperature on Thursday evening and have battled a fever ever since. It amazes me how hard your body has to work to fight something off like this. I am exhausted and I have barely been able to do normal everyday activities let alone get a good workout in. I thought that hitting the gym for a good cardio session was a fabulous idea to "sweat it out". It worked, I had one down pour of a sweat going, but I think it had just kicked my fever into overdrive. Oops. But hey, its Monday (and Valentines Day at that) and I am pushing forward with my SuperWoman cape on. Tell all those who you love that you do in deed love them and enjoy today!
A pug with her SuperWoman Cape on!



  1. Batgirl,

    Glad you are feeling better, take it easy and don't overdue it. Hopefully see you soon.

    Batman and your Superfriends

  2. Batman! Will you be there today?? I am having withdrawls from my superhuman gym go-ers!

  3. I will indeed! I've still got along way to go to look like you and Robin!
