I may be the worst dancer on this planet and I will not claim that I can shake my groove thing because I can't but I can be a goofball and I love to turn up the radio and get jiggy with it in my underwear. If there is a lesson in life I have learned, especially recently, its this... When you allow yourself to trust, whether it be a situation you are in, an individual in your life, or yourself, everything else seems to fall into place and you can dance. Let me tell you... I am dancing! I have not been this happy in a long time and I have a lot of things to attribute it to but most importantly, I have allowed myself to trust. I feel like my life is in harmony on all different levels and even though I am still being tested on a regular basis, I am not scared. I know that if I have faith and believe in the greater scheme of things, I will be ok. It is such an amazing feeling and after such a long time of fighting the universe on things, I feel like me and the universe are BFF's. Ok, not that close but I feel like we have an understanding now and it won't come orbiting at my head. I am still standing and up to bat at the plate! Bring on the fast balls!
I had a check in with Pete yesterday and yes you guessed it, we also worked legs. First thing he says to me.."What you wanna work?" "Umm, whatever.." He looks at me, "Ok, legs it is. I am going to make this hurt for days." I wanted to cry before we even started. I survived and hit up my 2nd cardio on the step mill. That thing sure can get the best of me but I love it regardless and I am hoping the many hours of use will get this booty in tip top shape for the stage. I had a busy evening getting ready for an even busier day today and it does not look like it will calm down for the next couple weeks but that is ok. I am excited for everything to come and I am extremely happy with where life is taking me. Here is to enjoying every step of the way!
xoxox, J
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