It is time to dial in the diet, dial in the physique, and dial in the thinking for next Saturday. Sunday is the day. The day I start the one week diet, the day I start my water loading, the day I start to really feel the effects of competing. I am prepared to take this next week and own it. I am excited to see what my physique does over the next few days and I am hoping and praying my legs decide to grace me with their presence. It is one of the most frustrating things, having a body part that holds almost all of your water and does not dial in when other parts have been ready to go for a few weeks. I hate this part, waiting for my legs to lose the water and show up, because I work my butt off on them yet they are still resilient to change. Well guess what legs, I'm gonna punch you in the face if you don't show up in the next week. Probably not because I am still waiting for bruises from 4 weeks to go away but still, just come in already will ya?
I had a good shoulder workout yesterday and I am still feeling strong for the most part. It is weird how everything changes in the last week from food to physique. I had cheesecake Wednesday night and woke up Thursday to have lost 2 pounds! That's crazy talk for sure but one more modi cheat meal (tomorrow night) so you bet your bottom that cheese cake is going to be amazing! Even though I am tired, sore and sometimes grumpy, when I step foot in the gym to lift and get my 2nd cardio done, I feel a second wind and get through what I need too...but then I collapse when I am done. Hehe yesterday was one of those days where I finished up, was dripping sweat, and just wanted to crash and burn. I was standing upstairs peering over the railing at Jr below as he chatted it up with the adorable front desk girl. I had just finished the Stepmill so lets just say I was soaked in sweat and had it dripping off of me. I thought it would be funny if I dripped sweat down on him, but as I stood there shaking my head trying to get his attention, I realized the joke was on me. People were staring at me, probably thinking I had some serious issues because I was shaking like a wet dog does right after a bath. Haha I ended up dropping a wipe down on Jr's arm to get his attention and he was not humored. I thought it was pretty dang funny and I was sure proud of my wipe throwing abilities! I then made a trip to see my mama and gather up stuff for my show. Oil, skin prep, glaze, my emergency kit (that has EVERYTHING anyone could ever need at a show) and a really cool shirt my mom got me. This shirt is from Nike and it says, "Every damn day. Just do it. Twice." My mom had the twice added on and it is RAD. Heck, so is she! Happy Friday Yall.
Ciao for now, J
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