"Desire is the key to motivation, but it's determination and commitment to an unrelenting pursuit of your goal- a commitment to excellence- that will enable you to attain the success you seek."
-Mario Andretti
Unrelenting pursuit. Unrelenting according to Webster dictionary means not yielding or swerving in determination or maintaining speed, effort, vigor, intensity, rate of advance, ect. Pursuit is defined as an effort to secure or attain; quest. I was thinking about my journey and where I started compared to where I am now and how I have grown not just physically but as a woman. I know I have said several times that I have learned a lot about myself as well as feel better than before with who I am and what I stand for, but yesterday I proved to myself that although I am tired, sore, emotional or whatever it may be that I am feeling, I will not give up. I will fight for what I want and what I believe in. Although there are times when I stop believing in myself or think that I will not be where I need to be, I know deep deep down that I will keep pursuing what I put my mind too. Yesterday I was talking with Robin and explaining how I feel physically and he said something that really stuck. He said "You look better than before J. You looked good and shredded when you were in the middle of competing but now you look awesome! You look better than before." It is nice to hear things like this especially when you feel otherwise. We are our own worst critic and I am pretty dang hard on myself. This is something I have to continuously work on and remind myself that I am in fact, worth loving. Self love is hard to attain for me.
We worked shoulders in the gym yesterday and it was tough for me because I have a HUGE ol' knot in my muscle that is pinching on a nerve somewhere and it hurts. I am scared to push it too far because I do not want to cause more harm and be out for a long period or injure myself. Cardio was miserable because thanks to Pete, my shins hurt soooooo bad. You know that feeling when your legs buckle because you are soo sore, well that happened to me when I was walking down the stairs to my car this morning. My shins felt like they were gonna give out and I pictured myself eating it, spilling my protein shake in the process and then just laying there unable to get up. I need one of those things you see on TV that you wear around your neck in case you fall and cant get back up. I think it is called a life alert. Yep, I'm gonna have to go to the 'As seen on TV' store today just in case.
Ciao for now, J
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