As I have declared before, my resolution is to love myself, love my body, love everything I have in order to be happy, healthy, and confident. This has always been a struggle for me and to be honest, I do not know why, when, or even how it all started. I am a perfectionist and get that good ol' 'Type A' personality trait from my pops. Mr. T always says, "you are your father's daughter." Now don't get me wrong, I am damn proud to be my fathers daughter. That man is hard working and has worked for everything he has BUT he also can get so involved in his own to-do lists, tasks, goals, ect that he sometimes forgets about other aspects that need attention. This is me (insert sigh and hanging of my head). I love crossing stuff off of lists. I love feeling accomplished. I love feeling at the top of my game and expect to feel this way each and every day. Come on folks, lets be honest here, I am only human and my name is not Super Woman! I have to remind myself that I AM ENOUGH. Each and every character trait I possess (the good, bad, and down right ugly) makes me who I am and that is enough. I have put so much thought and energy into working on my inner self lately that I can honestly say there are more days when I love who I am, where I am in life, and who I share my life with than dark days of fighting myself for not looking like a certain girl I saw or for my hair not being long enough or my skin looking blotchy from the late night workout. Do any of these things really matter?? Do they define who I am as a woman? No they do not nor does my weight or the tight feeling of my jeans on my muscular thighs or the chips in my nail polish. These are all superficial things that do not represent me as a woman. A woman who loves those close to her more than anything. A woman who cries because she sees an individual eating alone. A woman who will fight for what she believes in. A woman who is more competitive and driven than most. A woman who, in herself, is enough!
Ciao for now,
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